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Interpreter’s Report

September 11, 2015


Situation 1:  Team A players #3 and #17 collide while the ball remains in play.  Player #3 appears to be injured, so (a) the referee stops play and indicates a replay.  While the coach/trainer examines #3, (b) Team B's coach requests a substitution, which the R2 allows; (c) Team B's coach requests a time-out, which the R2 allows.  Ruling:  (a) correct procedure; (b) and (c) incorrect procedure.  Comments:  For an injury/illness during play, a referee (R1 or R2) may interrupt play and call a referee's time-out.  Within 30 seconds, the head coach shall (1) request a substitution for the injured/ill player, (2) leave the player in the set with play beginning immediately with a replay, or (3) request a legal time-out(s).  All requests from Team B shall be deferred until the injured/ill player situation is resolved. 


Situation 2:  Team A serves and wins the rally, but the referees signal point for Team B.  Team B rotates and serves 3 points, when the scorer realizes that Team A actually won the point on the final serve by Team A.  When the scorer tells the R2, the officials discuss the situation and realize the scorer is correct.  (All parties agree the point was given to the wrong team.)  (a) The R2 has the scorer remove the 4 points for Team B (loss of rally/point and 3 served points) and awards a point to Team A.  The R2 also has Team B rotate back one position, and gives the ball to Team A for the original server to continue their service.  (b) The referees agree that Team B will continue to serve.  Ruling:  (a) incorrect procedure; (b) correct procedure.  Comment:  A referee may correct an error by a member of the officiating crew provided the correction occurs before the opposing team contacts the ball for serve.


Situation 3:  Team A’s head coach submitted a lineup with #10 listed as the libero, but also listed in the CB position.  This was not noticed until the R2 was checking lineups prior to the start of the set.  The R2 informs the Team A head coach that #10 must start as the CB and is not eligible to be designated as the libero.  Further, due to the inaccurate lineup, no libero can be designated for this set and Team B receives a point and the serve.  The R2 confirms the score with the scorer.  Ruling:  Correct procedure.  Comment:  Even if Team A had a libero uniform top to designate #10 as a libero and wants her to change to become the libero for this set, this could not be accepted as the lineup has been submitted and the deadline for submission has passed.  Therefore, no change in the lineup can be accepted, a new libero cannot be designated for that set and the failure to submit a complete and written, accurate numeric lineup results in a loss of rally/point being awarded to the opponent at the start of that set.  Team A will start the set with #10 in the CB position.  The R2 should review lineups for accuracy before handing them to the scorers, and the scorers should bring such a situation to the attention of the R2.  Such reviews when lineups are submitted will help avoid a penalty if the deadline for lineup submission has not passed.  Note:  Referees that work other venues should note this interpretation is different than for other venues (both NCAA and USAV - see Case Book page 28, new interpretation 7.1.2 Situation C).


Situation 4:  In Set 2, the Team A coach receives a yellow card (YC) for excessive questioning of judgment calls.  (a) The R2 instructs the coach that he/she must remain seated for the remainder of the match.  For the remainder of the match, the coach for Team A (b) remains seated on the bench during play, but during dead balls stands to (c) greet players after being replaced or (d) approaches the court to instruct players.  Ruling:  (a), (b) and (c) correct procedure; (d) incorrect procedure, the coach should be issued a red card.  Comment:  When a head coach or any team bench personnel receives a yellow or red card, the head coach loses the privilege to stand during play and dead balls to coach their players.  Preventive officiating might avoid the need to issue a subsequent card.


Situation 5:  Having received a yellow card in Set 1, in Set 3 the Team A coach loudly objects to a play when the officials do not whistle and call a fault on Team B for an attack off a hand set by the libero on the attack line.  Although the R2 explains that there was no fault as the libero's feet were behind the attack line, the Team A coach waves his/her hand and arm in overt disgust toward the R2.  (a) The R1 whistles and signals a red card (RC) for the coach.  The R2 has the scorer record a RC for the coach in the comments section and awards a loss of rally/penalty point to Team B.  Ruling:  (a) correct procedure.  Comment:  Referees must work together as a team by maintaining good eye contact and directing attention to cover areas possibly outside the view of co-officials.  Officials also need be careful to use equity in the application of conduct violations (if a card would not normally be issued to a coach, then a card probably should not be issued just because they had previously received a card).




Dave Roever

CVVOA Rules Interpreter